Kevin Valentine Interdisciplinary Arts Media Performance

December 2, 2010


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Late Summer 2010: Widows:Lines in the Sand 1000 lines drawn in the sand at Hartland Point quay in Southwest England.  Lines are drawn to raise awareness of 3,000,000 widows in Iraq in the last 30 years.

Widows: LInes in the Sand - Hartland Point, EnglandWidows: Lines in the Sand - Hartland Point, Devon, England 8_6_10

Valentine’s recent performances have related almost exclusively to his Widows series commemorating Iraqi widows with Widowsweave and Lines in the Sand series.  The indoor chalk pieces accumulate lines and intersections in chalk, covering and obscuring eachother while attempting to reach a count of 3,000,000.  The Lines in the Sand series begun in the summer of 2009, separately counts to the same number representing widows from thirty years of turmoil in Iraq.  Most performances welcome participation from collaborators as well as audience members adding personal interactions to the symbolic drawing.

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