Kevin Valentine Interdisciplinary Arts Media Performance

August 28, 2017

Mad Cow

Filed under: — admin @ 9:06 AM

Mad Cow Lab

Mad Myrtle         Devine Bovine        

In this lab you will explore the functionality of a web editor by creating a small web site on the dangers of mad cow disease.


  • In your labs folder create a folder called ‘Ex2-madCow
  • Right click on each of the images above and save them to your madCow folder
  • Open your editor and start a new page
  • Enter a header ‘Mad Cow Disease Sweeps the World‘ in large letters on the top of the page
  • Insert the first two pictures (the two cows) above under the title,
    • use alternate text to describe the image
  • Under the images write a short ‘warning‘ paragraph about the perils of mad cow disease
  • Add a second paragraph about ‘how to recognize the symptoms
  • Give the page the title ‘Cows Gone Wild,’ do not close the page
  • Save your page as ‘madCowWarning.html,’


  • Create a new page
  • Add the header ‘Where to avoid
  • Write a short paragraph warning the reader to avoid western Europe and explain how mad cows have been reeking havoc there.
  • Insert the picture of the map
  • Under the map insert a hyperlink labeled ‘return to main story‘. When clicked this link should take you back to the madCowWarning page.
  • Save the page as ‘map.html


  • Add a hyperlink to the bottom of your madCowWarning page. When clicked this link should take you to the map.html page.
  • Save your page

Step 4:

  • Open a browser and test your pages. Edit them if they do not work.


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